In order to have a smooth and fresh skin, care is essential to face with natural masks. One of the elements of nature that is an excellent ally for skin care is the honey. This has very good effects on the skin of the face and entire body.
The honey has been used for centuries to give the skin freshness, vigor and restore youth to the skin. In fact, in many creams for beauty, honey is an inevitable ingredient. How can you use honey in skin care?
First and foremost, wash your face with water. This is extremely important for the mask with honey act. After washing the face and neck, it is convenient to apply a hot towel to open the pores of the skin. After the honey is applied to the face and neck. Some consider effective mix honey with an egg and this is also true if you want to reinforce the treatment. But honey alone can work wonders.
After applying honey on the face and neck you should sit back and relax. It must leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. The result will be well hydrated and smooth skin.
If you want to make a wrinkle mask, you can mix honey with lemon juice. This preparation is also ideal to clear skin blemishes that appear in the pregnancy or contraceptive use. The procedure is same as above: you should wash your face, vaporize it with a towel in hot water and apply honey with lemon with a brush. This time you do some massage on the skin. Remove the honey with a sponge or cotton soaked in water.
If you want to nourish the skin, you can use honey along with milk. Repeat the above steps and place the preparation on your face for 20 minutes. Remember that during those 20 minutes you should be relaxed, preferably lying down so that the effect is more intense.
If you want to exfoliate the skin, use only honey and become small circular massage on the areas to be treated. After 20 to 25 minutes, rinse well and watch your face will look smoother skin and exfoliated.
Honey has amazing benefits for skin care. Use honey on the face and neck now and get 90 years and still have an enviable skin.